Binti Salha Foundation (BSF)
Transforming Potential: Building Systems for Lasting Change
The Binti Salha Foundation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, is committed to advocacy for maternal health and reproductive rights. However, they previously struggled with poor financial systems, weak governance, and an inability to monitor program outcomes effectively.
Before ODSS training, BSF faced:
- Lack of financial audits, hindering donor confidence.
- No succession plan or documented board meetings, leading to governance gaps.
- Poor monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems to assess impact.
The Journey
ODSS training equipped BSF with practical tools and mentorship to address these challenges. Guided by a Capacity Improvement Plan, BSF implemented financial software, established asset management systems, and built robust governance frameworks.
- Conducted five years of financial audits, improving credibility with donors.
- Registered all organizational assets, reducing losses and mismanagement.
- Improved program monitoring, leading to an 87% increase in SRH knowledge among young mothers in the Her Potential Project.
- Submitted 17 grant proposals, with 14 under review—an unprecedented milestone for the organization.
Future Vision
BSF envisions scaling its InfoReach Project to reduce the stigma around SRH services and collaborating on policy reforms, including the domestication of the Maputo Protocol.